Meet the Team
sgt cHRISTIAN Hush
Squadron Roles: Service Instructor (RAF)
Length of time in the Corps: 13 years
Previous Squadrons: -
“I joined the RAF Air Cadets back in 2011, joining 2214 (Usworth) Sqn as a cadet.
“Some of the highlights of my cadet career would include travelling across the country for Summer camps, being part of the Tri-Service Cadet Band for 3 years; playing at major and Royal events across Scotland, and completing the Nijmegen 100-mile marches on it’s 100th anniversary. Over this time I worked my way up to the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer before timing out in 2018.
“Due to the inspiration and experience provided by the RAF Air cadets and 2214, I decided to make myself a career in the Royal Air Force. I joined in 2020 as a Weapons Systems Operator, starting my flying training in 2021 and have recently started on a frontline squadron.”